Registration is OPEN!


Our speakers will be sharing their experiences, strategies and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Rev. Emily Moore-Diamond

Lead Pastor, Ebenezer United Methodist Church

Anne Muradaz

Director of Finance, Centreville UMC

Rev. Dr. Daniel Park

Pastor, Restoration Church

Rev. Dr. Katie Phillips

Lead Pastor, Vine Church

Madeline Pillow White

Director of Communications, Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church

Rev. Deborah Porras

Lead Pastor, Beverley Hills Community UMC

VAUMC Relationship Partners

VAUMC Relationship Partners, VAUMC

Molly Riedel

Director of Caring, Arcola UMC

Rev. Allie Rosner Bass


Rev. Janet Salbert

Retired, Grace UMC

Rev. Jason C. Stanley

Coordinator for Church Revitalization, Coastal Virginia District

Martha Stokes

Conference Lay Leader, Virginia Conference

Rev. Juanita Stokes

Licensed Professional Counselor, Center for Pastoral Counseling of Virginia

Kara Stuebing

Floris UMC

Lauren Todd

Associate Pastor, Floris UMC

Tracy Wines

Pastor, Clarendon UMC

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