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Cynthia Lopynski

Director of Engagement, The Northern Virginia District

About this speaker

Cynthia serves as the Director of Engagement for the Northern Virginia District. Her area of focus when not planning Bi-District Training Day or Clergy Meetings, is Communications, Connections/Hospitality, Evangelism/Mission Insite and Simplified Account Structure. Before joining the District, she served 17 years at Floris UMC with various titles but always with responsibility for hospitality, lay engagement and communication. Cynthia is a trained professional coach, certified SAS Coach and and truly loves working with local churches!


Who is my Neighbor?

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM
Cynthia Lopynski Kim Johnson

Secrets of a Secret Shopper

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM
Cynthia Lopynski

Impacting the Bottom Line

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM
Cynthia Lopynski Kim Johnson

But Wait There’s More!

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM
Cynthia Lopynski Kim Johnson