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Rev. Emily Moore-Diamond

Lead Pastor, Ebenezer United Methodist Church

About this speaker

An ordained elder in Virginia, Emily Moore-Diamond has been in ministry for over thirty years. She has served churches of all sizes and spent time as a hospital chaplain, retreat leader, and campus pastor. She is currently serving as Lead Pastor of Ebenezer United Methodist Church in Stafford. She is passionate about bringing the gospel to life through lived theology that is relational, missional, and communicated in ways that meet people where they are. She believes the world is hungry for relationship with God and for belonging to an authentic community that lives out its faith in Jesus Christ. Married to Scott Diamond, with an incredible stepson, she is a big fan of compassion, grace, wonder, and spunk. She is blown away to be called to be a pastor, humbled by it every day.

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Developing and Implementing Off-Site Church

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM
Donovan Archie Emily Moore-Diamond