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Katie Phillips

Fresh Take on Fresh Expressions

A Workshop by Rev. Dr. Katie Phillips (Lead Pastor, Vine Church)

About this Workshop

Fresh Expressions are opportunities to be the church through places and methods church isn't normally formed. Come learn from Katie Phillips about 3 "Fresh Expressions" her church has engaged: Yoga Church, Diner Church, & Improv Church. How may God be calling you to be innovative as church in your community?

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM

05:45 PM - 06:10 PM

About The Speaker

Katie Phillips

Rev. Dr. Katie Phillips

Lead Pastor, Vine Church

Pastor Katie has worked in ministry for over 20 years – both as church staff and as clergy in 5 different church settings in Virginia & Georgia. Her passion is connecting people to God through authentic relationship and the powerful witness of God’s grace.