Registration is OPEN!

임진옥   Jinok Lim

포스트 팬데믹 시대의 회복과 치유 (Recovery and healing in the post-pandemic era)

A Workshop by 임진옥 Jinok Lim (결혼 가족 상담사 (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in VA), Pleasant Valley UMC)

About this Workshop

팬데믹 이후 번아웃과 정신건강 실태를 돌아보고 회복과 치유를 위한 제안을 드립니다.

We look back on burnout and mental health after the pandemic and offer suggestions for recovery and healing.

This workshop will be presented in Korean.

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM

05:45 PM - 06:15 PM

About The Speaker

임진옥   Jinok Lim

임진옥 Jinok Lim

결혼 가족 상담사 (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in VA), Pleasant Valley UMC