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Sarah Harrison-McQueen Allie Rosner Bass

The Church has Literally Left the Building: Property Redevelopment to Live into God’s Vision

A Workshop by Rev. Sarah Harrison-McQueen and Rev. Allie Rosner Bass

About this Workshop

Two unique stories of living into God’s vision through redevelopment of a church’s property. In the summer of 2021 Central UMC temporarily relocated so that their existing structure could be demolished. The new structure will be an eight-story building to provide space for worship, pre-school, a commercial kitchen for continued feeding ministries, and 144 committed affordable rental units. The many challenges along this journey grew the resiliency of Central UMC, and they are excited about this new space that will allow them to continue to worship God, serve others, and embrace all. In late 2022 Arlington Temple UMC will temporarily relocate so that their existing structure can be demolished. The new facility will be built to relate better with the emerging community as Rosslyn redevelops with hi-rise commercial and residential properties intermixed. A relocated entrance and building design to serve future generations will allow this congregation to live into God’s vision for their future. A workshop by Rev. Sarah Harrison-McQueen and Rev. Allie Rosner Bass

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM

05:45 PM - 06:15 PM

About The Speakers

Sarah Harrison-McQueen

Rev. Sarah Harrison-McQueen

Pastor, Centra UMC

Allie Rosner Bass

Rev. Allie Rosner Bass
