Registration is OPEN!

Daniel Park

The Healing Church

A Workshop by Rev. Dr. Daniel Park (Pastor, Restoration Church)

About this Workshop

This workshop explores how healing is intrinsic to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and how the church can be a movement of healing in our world today. We live in a culture marked by disillusionment with religion. We are a generation with mixed experiences of church and Christianity. People wrestle with brokenness in a variety of forms. How can the church be vital in the face of this reality? What is the role of the church? What is the message and experience of Christ we can proclaim and live into? Join this workshop to do a deeper dive into the theology of salvation as healing and practical tips on how to be a healing church.

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM

05:45 PM - 06:00 PM

About The Speaker

Daniel Park

Rev. Dr. Daniel Park

Pastor, Restoration Church