Registration is OPEN!

Ann A. Michel

Toward a New Paradigm of Financial Stewardship

A Workshop by Dr. Ann A. Michel (Senior Consultant, Lewis Center for Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary)

About this Workshop

How can congregations think more creatively about their economic sustainability? In a post-attractional, post-pandemic era when church membership is declining and our donor base is aging, can congregations continue to fund ministry through tithes and offerings alone? This presentation invites you to think outside the box and consider how leveraging physical assets, new ways of deploying ministry, and the potential of electronic giving can create an abundant future.

14 January 2023, 05:45 PM

05:45 PM - 06:00 PM

About The Speaker

Ann A. Michel

Dr. Ann A. Michel

Senior Consultant, Lewis Center for Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary

Dr. Ann A. Michel has served on the staff of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership since 2005.